every food in: Nancy Drew #3


The Bungalow Mystery by Carolyn Keene 

Originally published 1930, using edition published and updated 1960

Diiiiiiid you miss Nancy? Don’t worry, I have so much more left to cover from her.

Here’s another really early Nancy story! It’s pretty clear once againthat this one was originally published in the 1930s, despite a little more care taken with updating the text than usual.

The plot is about a rich orphaned heiress with guardians who want to take advantage of her and steal her jewels. Literal family inheritance jewels. The series recycles this exact plot not even 10 books later with Mystery at the Lilac Inn. It’s kind of refreshing, after reading some of the really strange ones from later in the series, to see Nancy just….solve a mystery, with no strange side plots. 

The weirdest thing about reading these out of order is that earlier on, even though more side characters show up in later books and the plot gets more convoluted, Nancy doesn’t have a social life in the way she does in these. I’ve mentioned that before but it’s odd to see her casually socialize with friends while on vacation, or run into a friend going to a party in town. I’m guessing it was mostly done to save time/general lazy writing.

Also, this is one of the few books where there’s a full menu provided, with a description of a table setting. So I’ll absolutely be making that for a future book food road test.

Chapter 2: Uninvited Guests

Prepared hot cocoa (canned?)

Chapter 5: The Unexpected Prowler

A chicken casserole, as well as: “Then, after placing bread and butter on each, Nancy poured two glasses of milk. Lastly, she made a crisp salad of lettuce and tomatoes and marinated it with a tangy French dressing.”

Pancakes, sausage, fresh squeezed orange juice

Chapter 6: An Invitation to Sleuth

Fresh fruit salad and fresh baked rolls

Chapter 8: The Frightened Runaway

A cup of hot tea and a piece of toast, on a tray

Chapter 11: Trapped!

Steak, a baked potato, and tossed salad

Chapter 20: A Surprise Gift

Pancakes and sausage

Iced tea and “Hannah’s open-faced sandwiches”


every food in: Signal to Noise


every food in: The Women of Brewster Place